April Come She Will-Simon And Garfunkel

歌手: simon and garfunkel

Written by:Paul Simon

April come she will

四月 她将到来

When streams are ripe and swelled with rain

溪流如同佳酿 雨水融入其中

May she will stay

五月 她将停歇

Resting in my arms again


June she'll change her tune

六月 她将唱起新的歌谣

In restless walks she'll prowl the night


July she will fly

七月 她将翱翔

And give no warning to her flight

展翅高飞 毫无顾虑

August die she must

八月 她必须消逝

The autumn winds blow chilly and cold

秋风飕飕 寒冷刺骨

September I remember

九月 我将怀念

A love once new has now grown old

曾经鲜活 如今苍白的爱情
